Video History of SOS

We have four videos available below documenting many aspects of SOS Ministries including some of the outreaches. Videos appear with the oldest first 1981, then scrolling down the page in order; 1984, 1992, 2004.


1981 – This video was taken shortly after the official start of SOS in 1980. Larry Rosenbaum the long-time director and co-founder of SOS over the years has teamed up with thousands of Christians from all around the country (and world) to witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the San Francisco Bay Area.


1984 – The year of the Democratic National Convention held here in San Francisco was a big event not only for politics, but for the evangelistic outreaches that were held that summer. Video documents some of those outreaches. This also was an era where the tension between the homosexual community and Christians was at a peak.


1992 – Still going strong in the early nineties SOS holds numerous outreaches in city parks and along street corners. Drama & Singing groups were a big part of those outreaches.


2004 – Entering into the new millennium with the church growth movement Christian participation was dwindling. Nevertheless SOS and a small army continue to go out into the city streets in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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