SOS Ministry Newsletter - June 2009

Thirty Years

Dear Christian Friends,

As we enter the 30th year of our SOS-San Francisco outreach, it is good to look back at what has happened over these years. SOS-San Francisco began at the end of what was known as the “Jesus Movement.” During the late 1960’s, there was a major, worldwide “satanic revival” that largely began in San Francisco. Millions of young people (and some older people) got involved in drugs, sexual immorality, occultism, and Eastern religion.

At the same time, God raised up the “Jesus Movement.” Hundreds of thousands of “ex-hippies” got radically saved. They wanted nothing of the world. They only wanted to live for Jesus. They boldly witnessed for Jesus wherever they went. Many people were drawn by the reality of Jesus they saw in their lives, and were themselves radically saved.

Toward the end of the 1970’s the “Jesus Movement” was near its end. SOS Ministries was started by Christians who had been influenced by this movement, and had a desire to evangelize San Francisco. Over a thousand Christians, most of whom were also influenced by the Jesus Movement, joined them in this effort. Large Christian gatherings like “Jesus West Coast” in Santa Rosa drew thousands of Christians to hear speakers like Keith Green. When we set up a booth there and announced the SOS outreach on their stage, hundreds of Christians responded.

Today, many of those saved in the Jesus Movement are pastors, missionaries, and church leaders. But few have the same zeal to serve God that was common in the “Jesus Movement.” And very few Christians today are interested in preaching the gospel. Some are interested in feeding the homeless. Others are trying to create a new kind of “evangelism” that does not involve any mention of sin, repentance, or God’s judgment.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Christian youth go on expensive “missions trips,” both in this country and around the world. Most of these trips involve Christian work projects. Few involve Christian youth actually sharing the gospel with non-Christians. The world has told us we should not “impose” our religious beliefs on others, and we have believed them.
About 10 years ago I set up a booth at “Spirit West Coast” in Monterey, the modern version of “Jesus West Coast.” Instead of hundreds coming to SOS, only two people responded—both over 40. Since that time, I have tried everything I can think of to get young people to witness on the streets with us. We have gotten some youth groups to join us, but have not gotten any young people to live in our ministry house.

As the church has become increasingly distracted from the Great Commission, the world has become increasingly wicked. “Same sex marriage” is becoming legal in one state after another. Congress is in the process of approving a “Hate Crimes bill” that will give protected status to all 547 forms of sexual deviancy recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, including pedophilia (adults with sexual interest in children). An attempt to specifically exclude pedophilia from protection was voted down!

Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., said in support of the bill, “This bill addresses our resolve to end violence based on prejudice and to guarantee that all Americans regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability or all of these 'Philias' and fetishes and 'ism's' that were put forward need not live in fear because of who they are. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this rule…" It is likely that anyone speaking against such deviant activities could be prosecuted under the act, on the grounds that they are encouraging “hate crimes.”

While the U.S. Constitution still protects free speech, the Constitution is only what five people on the current Supreme Court say it is. As President Obama reshapes the U.S. Supreme Court, it could soon outlaw Biblical teachings regarding sexual morality as “hate speech,” as has already happened in Canada and much of Europe.

What will it take to see genuine revival in the Western world—a revival that involves Christians wanting to reach the lost? Perhaps it will take an economic collapse far more severe than the one that occurred this past year. Perhaps it will take religious persecution.

It is easy to get discouraged when we read such things. But we must not forget the One whom we serve. God has preserved a witness in the world. He is still working in people’s lives, drawing many to him. I am encouraged by people like Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron and Mark Cahill. They have succeeded in getting thousands of Christians committed to and trained in evangelism. And thousands of other Christians are faithfully walking with God and preaching the gospel—boldly and in love.

Paul and Noreen minister in Berkeley on May 9 in front of one of our new banners.

Paul and Noreen minister in Berkeley on May 9 in front of one of our new banners.
(click picture to enlarge)

100 Christians gather at SF City Hall for National Day of  Prayer

100 Christians gather at SF City Hall for National Day of  Prayer
(click picture to enlarge)

“Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” passed by our Metreon outreach.

“Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” passed by our Metreon outreach.

Dan witnesses to Berkeley teen.

Dan witnesses to Berkeley teen.

New SOS Banner
Our new banner for our outreaches
New SOS Banner
Another new banner for our outreaches

Good Friday at the Sony Metreon

On April 10, our Friday night witnessing team went to the Sony Meteon, an entertainment complex in downtown San Francisco. Unknown to us, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (homosexual men who dress as nuns to mock Christianity) were holding their 30th anniversary party half a block away. Hundreds of them, dressed in their most outlandish costumes, heard the gospel as they walked by us.

Shortly before we left, I witnessed to 10 San Francisco high school students who were waiting for a bus. They all took tracts. Several of them told me that their science teacher had proved that God does not exist. First, they mentioned evolution, then the big bang.

I asked them what happened before the “big bang.” They were silent. Apparently, they never thought about that. I explained that scientists have no idea what happened before the “big bang” so they have no idea how the universe came into existence.

One of the young men, Mauricio, took me aside. He told me he was a backslidden Christian whose mother was very concerned about him. He asked me what he could do to know he was going to heaven. I explained the gospel to him, and left him with some contact information for me, and a website ( that could answer his questions about science and the Bible. As their bus arrived, he told me, “You have changed my life.” Please pray for Mauricio, that Jesus will truly change his life. Also, please pray for his friends, who have been indoctrinated in atheism by their public school teacher.

SOS - San Francisco July 17-25, 2009 — 30th Year Anniversary

SOS - San Francisco is an opportunity to get training and practical experience in evangelism.  The hardest part is overcoming apathy and fear. Once you actually come to SOS, God will give you divine appointments to witness to people. He will give you the right words to speak to each person. The experience you get during SOS week will help you become a bolder and more effective witness for Jesus in your everyday life.

Don’t miss this year’s SOS outreach. We have enclosed a card and registration form with this newsletter. This year we will again be meeting at Park Presidio Bible Church, 10th Ave. and Cabrillo, San Francisco.
Contemporary Christian music pioneer Chuck Girard will be ministering throughout the week. Registration begins on Friday July 17 at 6 PM. Meetings are scheduled daily except Sunday at 8 AM from July 18-25. If you live in the Bay Area and must work, you may join us at night and on weekends.

Evangelism training will be provided throughout the week. We will be holding daily noon worship rallies in city parks, bringing the church to the street. Free housing is available during the outreach. Bring a sleeping bag and foam pad. If you prefer, we can send you information about inexpensive motels in the city. We will be serving breakfast and lunch from July 20-25.

For the 4th year, a youth group from Christian Life Assembly of God in Paydon, Utah, will be joining us. We expect other youth groups to participate. Youth under 18 need adult supervision. This outreach is an opportunity to bring the love of Jesus Christ to people who desperately need to know Him. This outreach is guaranteed to change your life — and the lives of those you will reach for Jesus.

This is our 30th year to bring together Christians to proclaim the gospel in San Francisco and Berkeley. Please pray that God will bring many laborers, especially youth groups, to help us bring in a harvest this summer. We hope that many Christians who have participated in SOS outreaches over the past 30 years will join us, in addition to those who have never been to SOS.

Coming Events

Note: Outreaches are subject to change. Call (510) 531-5325 or 926-3299 (new cell phone) to confirm outreaches or for more information. Friday June 5, 19. 26 Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods. 7:30 - 10 PM
Sat. June 6, 20, 27 Evangelism Outreach. Berkeley (Telegraph and Haste St.) or San Francisco
Call Saturday morning for outreach location.

Ministry Needs

Thank you again for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. We have new signs and banners, which look very nice. Thank you, Roman Mistiuk, for doing the artwork.  We also printed 50,000 full-color tracts. We got them at a 25% discount for $815.

We have requested 14 permits from the SF Park Department. Please pray that we will get these permits and that the price for them will not increase. We spend about $2000 a year on permits.

We still have two openings in our Oakland ministry house. We are looking for men in their 20’s or 30’s who are spiritually strong, have administrative gifts, and are committed to evangelism. We need to train younger believers in evangelism – to reach a new generation and help us continue this work of evangelizing San Francisco and Berkeley.

Please pray
that God will bring the right people for our house. Please continue to pray that the Berkeley City Council will not take away our freedom to minister in that city. Our CD of the Month is The Evangelist and the Local Church by Doug Shearer, Pastor Emeritus of New Hope Christian Fellowship, Sacramento.

I hope many of you will join us for an outreach this next month.

Yours in His love,


Larry Rosenbaum