Newsletter & Coming Events – November 2012

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Current Outreaches

Friday November 2, 9 and 16 7:30 – 10 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods.
Sat. November 3 , 10 and 17 11 AM – 4 PM San Francisco Outreach, Fisherman’s Wharf (Jefferson St. near Mason)
Note: Outreaches are subject to change. Call (510) 282-5629 to confirm outreaches or for more information.


A Dangerous World

Dear Christian Friends

The article below is one that appeared in our Dec. 2001 newsletter, a few months after the horrible attack on Sept. 11, 2001. This year, on Sept. 11, 2012 our embassy in Libya was attacked by Islamic extremists and four Americans were killed, including our ambassador. Despite the obvious risks, he had no real security protecting him.

The Middle East is far more dangerous than it was in 2001, with many dictators who suppressed Islamic extremism being replaced by governments led by Islamic extremists. Iranis very close to developing nuclear weapons, which it promises to use against Israel. Pakistan already has nuclear weapons, and Islamic extremists have a strong influence on their government.

This month we have an important election. According to the Baptist Press, half of the 60 million Christians who could vote do not vote. It does matter who we elect to office in this country, and I urge you to vote.

There have always been evil people, but our improved technology now allows them to kill more people. The three greatest mass-murderers of all time lived in the 20th Century. Stalin killed about 42 million people. Mao killed about 35 million. Hitler killed about 16 million, in addition to those who died in World War II. At the time, Communism and Fascism were the greatest dangers in our world.

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, the greatest threat to world peace has come from militant Muslims. Like the Communists and Fascists, they seek to gain world domination through violence. They are responsible for most of the wars and terrorism on the earth today. The radical Islamic government in Sudan has murdered two million people, although this is rarely reported in our newspapers. Radical Muslims are responsible for over a million deaths in other nations.

Even the so-called “moderate” Muslim nations offer little or no religious freedom for Christians. Churches and Christian gatherings are illegal in Saudi Arabia. From 1992 until 2001, at least 360 Christians have been arrested there for taking part in private worship. In Pakistan, it is illegal to “blaspheme Mohammed.” Christians have been killed by mobs after being acquitted in courts on this charge.

In almost every Muslim nation, Christians risk death for witnessing to Muslims. Muslims who convert to Christianity also risk death. In most Muslim nations, the police look the other way when Islamic extremists kill Christians. This past month, 15 Christians were murdered in Pakistan during a church worship service.

The persecution of Christians in Islamic nations has increased since the September 11 attacks. One reason for this is that these nations are now our “coalition partners,” so the U.S. won’t criticize them for persecuting Christians.

However, the U.S. has increased its criticism of Israel since September 11. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said that those attacking Israel aren’t really terrorists–despite the suicide attacks, bombings and shootings of civilians. When Israeli Prime Minister Sharon accused the U.S. of appeasing the Arab states, President Bush’s press secretary called his comments “unacceptable.”

When we learned that Osama bin Laden sent terrorists to attack our country, we went after him and the government that was protecting him. However, when Israelis attacked by terrorists, as has occurred for decades, the U.S. repeatedly tells it not to respond. Because of U.S. pressure, Israelis unable to take the steps necessary to get rid of the terrorists in neighboring states that continue to attack it.

Today, according to one estimate, 15% of Muslims (about 100,000,000 people) are Islamic “extremists” who support the use of violence to spread Islam worldwide. While this is not the majority, it is a lot of people, capable of causing much destruction. How should we respond?

These are difficult times, and we should respond soberly and wisely. Many Christian leaders are calling for Christians to unite in prayer for revival. (2 Chron. 7:14) We should not be frightened. “God is our refuge and strength…Therefore we will not fear though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea” Psalm 46. If Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, you can say with Paul: “to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Phil. 1.

We need to pray for our nation and its leaders (1 Tim. 2). Pray that our leaders will have the courage to root out terrorists in every nation, even if it means offending Muslim nations. Pray that they will speak out against persecution of Christians in Muslim nations. Pray that they will be granted wisdom to improve our nation’s security without sacrificing our freedom. We need to walk in holiness before our God. “Be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life” Luke 21.

Finally, we need to dedicate ourselves to reaching this world with the gospel. “Because of the increase in wickedness, the love of most will grow cold…and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:12-14). By proclaiming the gospel throughout the world, we will see many people come to know Jesus Christ before He returns. Evangelizing the Muslim nations is a difficult and dangerous task. But God is able to open doors that no man can shut.

One exciting report comes from Gospel for Asia. According to their web site, 300 million Hindu “untouchables” are on the verge of leaving the caste system and embracing another religion. Some are becoming Buddhists. After September 11, they decided not to consider Islam. Christian leaders are meeting with their leaders, urging them to turn to Christ. Pray that many of these Hindus will be saved.

Those of us who are called to live in the U.S. also have a great harvest field to labor in. In the San Francisco area, we can witness to tourists, students, and immigrants from almost every nation on earth. Immediately after September 11, a few Christians called us, wanting to join our outreaches. Since then, it seems that too many Christians have followed the President’s advice to get back to normal. For them, “normal” means not witnessing for Jesus.

On the Streets

On August 18 we witnessed at UN Plaza. Dave witnessed to Galen. She is from China and is now living in Ohio. Her mother is a Christian and she was very receptive to the gospel. He also witnessed to two Jewish men from Israel, both named Ido. He shared about Jesus being the Lamb of God who was the sacrifice for our sins. They listened politely.

On August 25 we witnessed at Powell & Market St. Larry D. and Dave spoke with Drusilla. She had been a Satan worshipper, but said she had received Christ. However, she was still addicted to meth. She was also struggling with suicidal thoughts. They prayed with her. Eddie and T.J. witnessed to Frankie, who was selling drugs and said he was a backslidden Christian.

On August 26, we witnessed at Dolores Park. Paul Coca and Tim Moon played music. Several of us preached. Dave witnessed to an Hispanic ice cream vendor and read a Spanish tract with him. He also witnessed to Joyce and Edwin, both Catholics. He spent 45 minutes sharing the gospel with them.

While sitting on a bench, Andy sat down next to Dave. Andy is a Chinese man who grew up in Indonesia, and also was raised Catholic. He was very receptive to the gospel.

On Friday night Sept. 7, we witnessed at the SF Giants baseball game. Eddie and Chris witnessed to Mace, a ticket scalper, and Jose, who was into New Age philosophy. Both were receptive to the gospel.

On Sept. 8 we witnessed at Fisherman’s Wharf. Eddie witnessed to the members of a band that was performing there. He also witnessed to Reno, who said she believed in God and evolution. A police officer asked me to take down our banners. I asked him to show me what law we were violating. He was unable to find any law, so he allowed us to keep our banners up.

Last month, I shared about Andrew, Tim and Jon, young evangelists who stayed with us for two weeks. Here is an excerpt of what Tim wrote in his online blog about our outreach at 16th St. and Valencia on Aug. 31: “Once we got there, the SOS team got all their stuff out of the van and 16th St. As the SOS team was preaching, Jon, Andrew and I went out around the intersection and started sharing the gospel with people. And man, I got to tell you San Francisco was a different game. The environment was much darker than what I was used to. Honestly, the first thought I got when I stepped out of the van was that nobody here would want to hear the gospel. Just the demonic stronghold in this place was really strong. But the boldness and courage the SOS team carried was amazing. They grabbed that mic and preached for all to hear that Jesus lives and loves. Well, after a couple hours, the SOS team asked me if I wanted to sing and play worship songs on the mic. So being a guy who loves to worship, I gladly accepted the offer. I grabbed a guitar and began to worship. Some people looked and smiled, others flicked me off and tried to stop the guitar. As for me, I didn’t really care about what people thought. I just worshiped so that maybe one person out there would hear and experience the love of Christ.”

Ministry Needs

Thank you again for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. Allan, Eddie and Larry D. all need work. Please contact me if you know of any jobs in this area. I hope many of you will join us for an outreach this next month. If you don’t live in this area, please pray for us and ask God to give you opportunities to share the gospel with others in your own community.

Yours in His love,
Larry Rosenbaum

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