Newsletter and Coming Events – December 2022

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Coming Events

Friday December 2, 9, 16  4-7 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods.

Saturday December 3, 10, 17  1—5:30 PM Witnessing at Fisherman’s Wharf, Embarcadero  between Powell and Taylor.

Scott preaches and Mike witnesses at Wharf.


Dear Christian friends,

I am not a climate scientist. I believe we should care for our environment and try to clean up our air, ground and water.
However, I am not convinced that a slight increase in carbon dioxide (CO2), which is 0.04% of our atmosphere, is a  threat to human existence.  I have yet to read a scientific study that clearly proves that human activity producing CO2 is a threat,  or  that  there is any feasible action that humans need to take to reduce CO2 production. If you ask a climate scientist, they will likely point to some computer model that predicts dire consequences to a small increase in CO2. Similar faulty computer models were used to force a worldwide shutdown during the Covid pandemic. A computer model is no better than the assumptions made in developing it. They are influenced by the bias of the  scientist.

Back in 2019, John Nolte of Breitbart posted a list of 41 predictions made by climate scientists over the past 50 years. Every single one of these predictions has been proven wrong. Later, he updated the number to 53 failed predictions.

While it would seem our world’s leaders would ignore people with such a terrible track record, instead they are forcing everyone to believe that we must take drastic steps immediately to save our planet.

Every change they are forcing upon the world  will  have the same effect as the changes they forced upon the world during the Covid pandemic.

Each one will make the middle class and poor of this world poorer and less powerful, while making the world’s billionaires richer and more powerful.

According to the Director of Oxfam speaking at the World Economic Forum, every month during Covid there was 1 new billionaire and 1 million people newly forced into extreme poverty. The rapidly forced moves towards “green” energy, massive inflation, and the Russia-Ukraine war are all contributing to a situation where millions of people will starve and freeze this winter. It is questionable whether any of the energy changes being suddenly forced on the world by government bureaucrats will help or hurt our environment.

There are severe shortages of grain, fuel, and fertilizer. Government leaders worldwide are forcing small businesses and farms to shut down. In November 2020, perhaps 250 million people in India participated in a 24 hour work shutdown protesting government regulations forcing small farmers out of business. This was probably the largest protest in world history. Numerous links are found here: (India’s population is 1.4 billion so this is 17% of their people.)  The news media almost totally ignored this and  other protests, and many of the world’s governments also ignore large protests in their own nations and move on  with their destructive plans.

Meanwhile, the billionaires who are advocating these changes continue to fly their private jets, live in multiple mansions and ride in  gigantic yachts. They warn that the ocean is rising rapidly, but spend millions of dollars purchasing oceanfront property. A six hour space flight by one billionaire (Richard Branson, who failed to deliver on his promise to spend $3 billion on developing a low-carbon fuel) produced more  carbon than  a billion of the world’s poor produce in their lifetime.

In addition to issuing new regulations banning the sale of gasoline-powered cars by 2035, California has “aggressively shut down more reliable nuclear, coal, and natural-gas power plants to boost demand for solar and wind farms,” with such policies “tremendously damaging California’s electrical grid” and “placing the state at serious risk of unintentional mass blackouts.”

Irrespective of how unscientific or overreaching the policies were, the mantra of “We’re all in this together!” was used as a weapon by our world’s statists to silence, intimidate, and harass anyone who dared stand in their way of creating their dysfunctional neo-Marxist utopia. The truth is that we are not all in this together. The world’s leaders are ordering us to make severe sacrifices to “save our planet” but they are only getting richer and more powerful. They are making no personal sacrifices but are laughing at us.

On the Streets

On Fri. July 22, we witnessed at 16th and Mission and 16th and Valencia. After we had been preaching for two hours on Mission St., a group of about 15 Jews set up chairs for a Sabbath service on the same corner we were on. One man seemed to be their rabbi. From where they were set up, they could clearly hear our preaching about Jesus. Andy spoke with two of the women, who asked him if they could borrow one of our speakers, since they didn’t have an amplifier. Andy told them that we are a Christian ministry, and unless they endorse Jesus, they can’t borrow our speaker. They said they wouldn’t mention Jesus but would mention God. I preached last, and gave my testimony of being raised Jewish but becoming convinced that Jesus is the Messiah after reading the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. I quoted several of those prophecies, and they could clearly hear everything I said.

On Sat. July 30, we witnessed at Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39. Alex witnessed to Nick, who was raised in the Moravian Church. This church has evangelical beliefs and maintains 18th Century traditions. Nick currently lives in a program in the Tenderloin and struggles with heroin. Alex shared his testimony of being delivered from heroin and shared some scriptures with him. He invited him to attend church, got his phone number and offered him a ride. Mike and I witnessed to two high school students who live in Paris. They spoke excellent English and took gospel tracts from me. Mike shared his testimony and the gospel with them. They seemed especially interested when Mike spoke about how knowing God gives life meaning.

On Fri. August 5, we witnessed at the “Outside Lands” festival at Golden Gate Park. Over 200,000 people attended that event and we preached to several thousand people that night. Alex spoke with Lane, a theatre script-writer for plays that were about his thoughts and musings on religion. He was very upset while Alex was preaching but did calm down enough to have a civil discourse concerning the validity of our faith and the Bible. There were many seeds of scripture sown in his heart from the preaching and the conversation he had with Alex. He also witnessed to a man who was into the “Hebrew Israelite” cult, a large group that thinks that only blacks and Hispanics can be saved and that we are saved by keeping the law.

The next day, we witnessed at Dolores Park. This was the first of two permits we are allowed there each year. Up to 10,000 people are in this park on Saturdays. Many of them are young people who work for tech companies. Tats met two friends from high school, Eduardo and CJ, whom he used to play soccer with. They spoke about what was happening in their lives, and Tats shared his testimony. He spoke about the fact that our souls are eternal and that only Jesus can forgive our sins. They were thankful when he gave them gospel tracts.

Alex spoke with JaRay, 27, who grew up in the church and knew a lot of God’s Word. He commended us for being out there evangelizing and seemed very interested in attending Christ Forgiveness Church with Alex. Alex encouraged him that he could be very effective in preaching the Gospel. However, he needed to walk right with God so that it could be said that he practices what he preaches.

A Final Word

Thank you again for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. I hope you are doing well and have a blessed Christmas and New Year.

A good New Year’s resolution we all could make is to spend more time praying for the unsaved and seeking out opportunities to bring the gospel to those who do not know Jesus and are headed for eternal Hell without Him.

I hope many of you will join us for one of our evangelism outreaches during the Christmas season.

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum



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