Newsletter August 1995

Salt of the Earth

Dear Christian friends,

Often, Christians ask me why we are still preaching the gospel in San Francisco. In their minds, San Francisco is hopelessly corrupt and headed for certain destruction. My answer to these people is first, that God has called me here and has not changed His instructions. Second, there are many people here who need to hear the gospel. Even if every adult resident of this city had heard and rejected the gospel (which hasn’t yet happened), there are thousands of children born here every year, thousands more immigrants and foreign students, and millions of tourists who come here every year. These people have not all heard and rejected the gospel.

Finally, San Francisco is one of the most influential cities in the world. Over the past 30 years, our society has gone through tremendous changes–away from God and Christian morality. To a large extent, these changes originated in San Francisco. San Francisco was a leader in the drug movement, introduction of Eastern religions, gurus and cults, new age thinking, occultism and satanism, radical left-wing political movements, sexual immorality and homosexuality, etc. It was the first U.S. city to allow “topless” bars and have a “Church of Satan.” It was the first U.S. city to officially endorse homosexual relationships.

These changes did not remain confined to San Francisco and a few other cities. They have influenced every city and town in the United States, and almost the entire world as well. In the Bible, leaven (yeast) represents sin. “Don’t you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough” 1 Cor. 5:6. Sin does not remain confined in one location. It spreads everywhere. In 1965, illegal drugs were available only in large cities. Today, they are sold in every town in the U.S. A recent survey found that marijuana use among 8th graders has doubled in the past three years.

The United States is by far the most influential nation on earth. Almost every nation, even Communist China, is now seeking to adopt American-style capitalism. American movies and television shows are seen by billions of people in almost every nation. They show an extravagant standard of living and glorify our corrupt morals and hostility to Christianity. The moral decay of cities like San Francisco and Hollywood is spreading around the world–rapidly.

In June, representatives from over 150 nations came to San Francisco to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, which began in San Francisco. Silicon Valley, just south of San Francisco, was the home of the computer revolution. Many Bible scholars see the establishment of the United Nations and the birth of the computer age as essential to the fulfillment of Bible prophecies.

Just as the spread of an infection is stopped by antibiotics, the spread of sin can only be stopped by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By mobilizing Christians to pray for San Francisco and proclaim the Gospel to the people of this city, we are helping slow the moral decay in this city–and its spread throughout the world. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth” (Matt. 5:13). The Wycliffe Bible Commentary writes: “Salt. A common food preservative, often used symbolically. Believers are a restraint upon the world’s corruption. Unbelievers are often   kept from evil deeds because of a moral consciousness traceable to Christian         influence.”

Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day. The night is coming, when no man can work” (John 9:4). We too must seek to be a strong witness for our Lord Jesus Christ while we can. The day may soon be coming when we will no longer be able to witness openly for Jesus Christ in our nation. Please pray for us and help us be light and salt to a dark and decaying world.

The Effectiveness of Open Air Evangelism

I believe that SOS Ministries has had a tremendous impact on the people of San Francisco and many others from all over the world. We have printed and given out several million gospel tracts. We have trained thousands of Christians in evangelism, many of whom are now witnessing in their own communities. We have personally witnessed to thousands of people. We often receive calls and letters from people who were saved through this ministry. Over 100 people have written us in response to gospel tracts in the past year. Countless others we will only learn about in heaven. We know God’s Word does not return void and that if we sow abundantly, we will reap an abundant harvest of souls for our Lord.

A few years ago, I read a biography of John and Charles Wesley. These men, along with Whitefield, preached out of doors several times weekly to as many as 25,000 people at one time, without an amplifier! Most churchgoers regarded them as fanatics for preaching outside the church. They also often found themselves in the middle of riots, and were stopped from preaching by the police.

As John S. Simon wrote, “If Methodism had not come into contact with the mob it would never have reached the section of the English people which most needed salvation. The `Religious Societies’, shut up in their rooms, would never have reformed the country. It was necessary that a race of heroic men should arise, who would dare to confront the wildest and most brutal men, and tell them the meaning of sin, and show them the Christ of the Cross and of the Judgment Throne. The incessant assaults of the mob on the Methodist preachers showed that they had reached the masses. With a superb courage…the Methodist preachers went again and again, to the places from which they had been driven by violence, until their persistence wore down the antagonism of their assailants. Then, out of the once furious crowd, men and women were gathered whose hearts the Lord had touched.” (The Revival of Religion in the Eighteenth Century)

Three Letters

A note of appreciation to you personally for your faithfulness in San Francisco against all interference in obtaining permits, government regulations, problems with us volunteers, etc. for the 20 years I have known you. You have stood firm with the church and for the souls of men, against all odds….

I pray daily for you. Praise the Lord for your faithfulness. To think my husband Johnny and I helped with you and Scott and Jeannie Crawford’s beginnings a long time ago. Johnny has been in heaven since 1979….I’ve been praying to help you more. Keep up your good work of winning souls to Jesus!

Every single newsletter you send my way is so very encouraging and uplifting. I circle every prayer request and pray about it. There are times when I will call a prayer partner by phone, such as the 700 Club or Oral Roberts prayer partners. God always answers those prayers in a very short time.

For 11 years I went to the Convalescent Hospital to share my faith, and because I am a Senior Citizen I could relate to older people easily as we had much in common. Also being a nurse, it was easy to relate to sick people. Many did receive the Lord in a short time. But one lady I witnessed to for ten years said NO all the time. Then one day the Salvation Army put on a tea and invited residents of different Convalescent Hospitals to come, and this woman’s picture was taken because she was 102 years old. I cut the picture out of the newspaper and showed it to her. One thing led to another and I talked about salvation…and that is the day that she accepted the Lord as her Savior. From then on she came to every service in the Convalescent Hospital concerning the Lord, until the Lord took her home! The day after Easter, I became 77 years old, so I don’t go on a regular basis like before. But nevertheless I went to one on Palm Sunday and God prepared the heart of two people to accept His Son. Praise God. One was a 91 year old man….

It is great that I live on a very busy street. There is a bus stop very close to my property, and people pass my place to get to the bus or when they get off. Many stop and talk to me when I stand on the sidewalk. One young girl I was able to talk to about the Lord, and soon she accepted a small Bible and a “money” tract.

I was standing in line at a bank, so I spoke to a young man in front of me, and asked him while he was waiting if I could share with him….Another time I went to the St. Vincent dining hall where they feed the very poor for free. It was on Thanksgiving Day and very cold. Many came out of the dining hall and asked for the money tracts which were gladly given. The last bus load of people came in, but my hands were so cold I could hardly move them. So I appealed to the first one that reached my side, “Would you help?” He took the money tracts from my hand and shouted very loudly, “Come this way folks. Here is JESUS MONEY, JESUS MONEY.” Well, they took them and read the message before going into the dining room to eat.

Next year I believe I can start helping you financially again. I did lose all my life savings in 1991, but God has blessed me in so many ways they cannot be counted. Also I have a closer walk with Him, depending on Him more, more time to study the Bible without rushing, and much more time to pray…and I do pray. I keep praying that God would prepare hearts so that when you witness, people will receive the Lord. Also for the permits you need, and protection, and people to help you. Your labor is not in vain.

A Final Word

I am writing this letter the week before the SOS outreach. Next month’s newsletter should include a report on SOS-San Francisco. We continue to witness every Friday night and Saturday afternoon. On Friday we meet at 7:30 PM at Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 1098 Harrison St. at 7th St., second floor, in San Francisco. Call us about Saturday outreaches.

Our Tape of the Month is Organizing a City-wide Outreach. This is a teaching I did several years ago at an evangelism conference in Florida. Every city should have at least one outreach each year in which Christians can join together to reach the lost in their community. Perhaps God wants you to help organize an outreach in your city.

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum