Newsletter and Coming Events – November 2021

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Coming Events

(Contact me at or (510) 282-5629 for outreach locations and times one or two days before outreach.)

Friday November 5, 12, 19 4-7 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods.

Saturday November 6, 13, 20 11:30-4 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods.

Mike passes out tracts, Corey witnesses and Tats preaches at 16th & Mission on July 16.


Dear Christian friends,

Often, when I am out on the streets, I will find myself mainly giving out tracts to people. In some places, like the business district, people are in a hurry and won’t stop to talk, but most will take a tract. The same is true at crowds leaving sporting events or rock concerts, at parades or other events. In large cities, people are less likely to get into a conversation with a stranger, but most people do take tracts.

There are many advantages to using tracts. A well-written tract has a clear explanation of the plan of salvation and a prayer the person can use to receive Christ. It also has an address and phone number for the person to call if he wants more information. We constantly get calls and letters from our tracts, having distributed several million. Some people have questions or need help. Others have received Christ from the tract.

Many people tell me they collect tracts and read them from time to time. Often a person will read a tract when he is depressed or in a crisis. If a person is drunk, or doesn’t want to talk to you while his friends are around, he can take the tract home and read it later in the privacy of his home. Even if he throws the tract on the ground, tears it up, or throws it in the trash can, someone else may pick it up, read the tract or fragment of the tract, and get saved! I know of several instances where this has happened.

If someone doesn’t speak English, you can give him a tract in his language (preferably with the address and phone number on it of a local church where his language is spoken).

There are tract companies that will send out tracts for free, or on a donation basis. Write us, and we can send you some addresses.  You can also write and print your own tracts. You can either use general-purpose tracts or tracts for special events.

We write most of the tracts we use, and print them inexpensively. (You can download our tracts from our website and take them to a printer or copy shop.) We try to relate our tracts to the things people in San Francisco and tourists are interested in, and to write them in a contemporary style.

Giving out tracts is one of the easiest things you can do, but more people will take them if you follow a few guidelines:

Dress neatly, smile, and be assertive. The busier people are, the more aggressive you need to be. Stand directly in front of someone and say in a loud voice: “Hi. Here’s something for you to read,” or “Did you get one?”

If people aren’t in such a hurry, you might add, “It’s about Jesus” and sometimes they will stop and talk. This is a good way to filter out those who are receptive in a large crowd. Sometimes, if you say it’s about Jesus the person will refuse it, whereas if you don’t say anything they’ll at least read part or perhaps all of the tract.

If you hold out the tract near their hand, they are more likely to take it. If you act like what you’re giving out is good news and important, which it is, people are more likely to receive one. If you look dejected, people probably won’t want to read what you’re giving out. These are simple suggestions, but they make a big difference.

I try to carry tracts with me wherever I go. You can give out tracts to people you pass on the street, to the person sitting next to you on the bus or to everyone on the bus. You can leave tracts in all sorts of places, such as in phone booths or with a tip in a restaurant.

Carry special tracts for children as well as adult tracts. Children from 7-11 years old usually cannot understand adult tracts. However, they are normally very receptive to God’s Word and will read carefully a tract designed for them.

On the Streets

On Friday July 16th, we witnessed at 16th and Mission. Tats met Elizabeth, who was in a wheelchair and needed help getting home. Tats helped her get to the group home where she lived, sharing the gospel with her as they went. Tats noticed that people at the home were being mistreated. Elizabeth invited Tats to her room. He gave her a Bible and prayed for her healing. He said he would come back and visit her.

While Corey was preaching, a couple walked by and said they would go to Heaven because they were brought up Baptist, even though they fornicate. Corey warned them that their religious pride and fornication would take them to Hell.

The next day, we witnessed at Fisherman’s Wharf. Tats spoke with Pikachu, who said he worshipped Satan. Tats shared his testimony of coming out of homosexuality. Andy spoke with Raul, who said he was a Messianic Jew but also was studying Egyptian religion. He had some strange beliefs. Andy, Corey and Alex spoke with him for two hours and had some success in correcting his false doctrines.

SOS-San Francisco  

Outreach Report

July 21-24

As I was driving our van to San Francisco on the first day of our 42nd annual SOS-San Francisco Outreach, Wed. July 21, white smoke began pouring inside the van. I pulled over at the first opportunity. Norman and Loi saw that a radiator hose was broken, and they patched it with duct tape. The next day they got a permanent fix, and the van was not damaged.

Paul Coca was very sick with the flu the day before, but he was better then next day. After Paul and Noreen began singing at 4th and Market, they were immediately attacked by four Satanists. Tats engaged the most hostile one. She said she had been molested by her uncle as a child and was now a lesbian. Later, Noreen spoke with her and she even let Noreen pray for her. She was not saved, but her attitude towards us totally changed. As she left, she thanked us for being there and complimented Noreen for her beautiful violin playing.

Tats saw an older man, David, struggling to carry his groceries home. Tats helped him. As they walked, David shared that he practiced African witchcraft and believed everyone goes to Heaven. Tats shared the gospel with him, but he said he loved taking drugs too much to give them up. Alex ministered to Raul, 33, who knew the Bible but still wanted to use marijuana.

A block away, Corey noticed that Pedraum, 20, was listening to Alex’s preaching. Corey asked, “What are you thinking?” He said, “I’ve done so many evil things. Can God forgive me?” Corey shared the gospel with him and, sensing he was demonized, prayed for his deliverance. Pedraum said he felt cleansed and peace. They shared phone numbers. Pedraum called Corey that night and they spoke for two hours and read part of the gospel of John. He joined us for outreaches at 24th and Mission on Thursday and Pier 39 on Saturday. He shared his testimony at Pier 39. He had been involved in fornication, drugs, and New Age teachings. He had had a vision while on psychedelic mushrooms in which he died and God said he was going to Hell. Corey had breakfast with him Monday morning. He is attending Christ Forgiveness Church, visits us at our house frequently, and joins some of our outreaches. He is also sharing the gospel with others, including youth at a skateboard park. We are very happy to see him growing in Christ.

On Thursday, we witnessed at 22nd and 24th and Mission St. Corey witnessed to Adele, who is working on a PhD in environmental and religious history. She asked Corey to share his testimony and was quite receptive to the gospel. Paul prayed for Frank, who was raised at the Voice of Pentecost church but wanted to be freed from alcohol. He also prayed for Zelda, a Christian who was having a lot of spiritual difficulties. She is also going through dialysis. They prayed for healing, and Paul got her phone number.

On Friday, we witnessed on 16th and Valencia and 15th and 16th and Mission. Paul and Andy witnessed to Mauri, 30. His mother is a Christian and his father is a Satanist. He had “666” tattooed to his neck. He did not think God would forgive him. Paul Coca shared about the apostle Paul, who had participated in the murder of Stephen, but God forgave him and used him greatly. They prayed with him and gave him a Bible. He was definitely touched by God and possibly was saved. A group of men were drinking and mocking our preaching across the street from us at 16th and Valencia. Near the end, one of the men, Drew, came over and apologized for his behavior.

On Saturday, we witnessed at Fisherman’s Wharf and at Pier 39. After preaching at Pier 39, Corey asked people in the audience to raise their hands if they were Christians. One of them, Todd, said he was a Christian but had never shared the gospel with anyone. After some encouragement, Todd shared his testimony publicly for the first time over the microphone.

A Final Word

    Thank you again for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. Sat. Sept. 11 was the 20th anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attack. Sadly, as our nation was mourning, the Taliban was rejoicing after our nation’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. That afternoon, we held our second and final outreach of the year at Dolores Park, the busiest park in the city. Tim Moon played music and many of us preached the gospel to at least 5000 people in the park.

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum


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