Newsletter and Coming Events – December 2021

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Coming Events

(Contact me at or (510) 282-5629 for outreach locations and times one or two days before outreach.)

Friday December 10, 17 3:30-6:30 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods.

Saturday December 11, 18 11:30-4 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods.

Andy preaches at Dolores Park


Dear Christian friends,

By Andy Conway

Being a Christian has many challenges, both within and without.  Within there is the weakness of the flesh to overcome sinful desires, there is also sickness, pain, heartache and sadness.  Without are the lusts, confusion, lies and deception that the world brings.  There are also the snares of the Devil, who prowls about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Among all these challenges and trials, how can a Christian actually live a godly life, growing in faith and purity?  The Bible gives the answers:

Acts 2:46 “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart..”

Christians need to be with one another often.  Eating together, worshipping together, just spending time talking about the things of God, and serving Him.

That is where street evangelism comes into play.  When a Christian joins other Christians to evangelize, not only is this fulfilling God’s mandate (Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”), but it allows Christians to get to know other saints while they serve God in the mission field.  The saint who evangelizes will get to know many other Christians, building close, lasting relationships that often last a lifetime.

Street evangelism is also done regularly, so there are ample opportunities for  Christians to see each other often, and keep each other updated on their lives.  They share testimonies of successes and failures in witnessing and grow close together by being in battle together.  We learn from each other how to witness better, and how to walk the Christian walk better in these last days.  Other godly men and women can encourage us when we are down, correct us when we are straying into sin or worldliness, and love us as fellow children of God.

So I encourage all Christian saints to evangelize on the streets.  If preaching on a loudspeaker is not for you, you can hand out tracts, do one on one evangelism, or just pray for people as they go by.  It’s living out the Christian life in the same way that the apostles did in the Book of Acts.

Note from Larry: Andy has witnessed with us for over 20 years. He moved into our ministry house in May, 2020. Because of the isolation brought about by the COVID lockdown, he realized he needed to live with other Christians who were serious about following Jesus and preaching the gospel. Andy went to nursing school for 4 years and practiced as a nurse for 10 years.

He has been forced to give up this career because he is strongly opposed to getting the COVID “vaccine.” On July 27, 2021, CDC Director Walensky said that “new data” showed that “vaccinated people who are infected with the delta variant could carry the same viral load as unvaccinated, infected people.” Since 99% of COVID infections in the US are now from the delta variant, there is no scientific basis for COVID vaccine mandates. And the many thousands of deaths and permanent disabilities already reported shortly after vaccination      could be but the tip of a very large iceberg.

The CDC was recently forced to redefine the word “vaccine” because these so-called “vaccines” do not prevent people from getting infected or infecting others. Thousands of medical professionals have examined the evidence and believe these “vaccines” are dangerous enough that they have given up their careers over these mandates, at great personal cost to themselves and to our nation’s health.

On the Streets

On Fri. Aug 6, we witnessed at Fisherman’s Wharf. Andy spoke with 4 Muslims. Their main spokesman, Rezin, debated with Andy about Trinitarianism, evidence for the Bible vs. the Quran, and some other subjects. Andy shared the gospel with them, and contrasted salvation by faith in Jesus with their works-based religion.

Alex witnessed to Suzy, 45, who was carrying a rainbow flag and wearing a marijuana hat. She said her parents are Christian and she was raised Christian. She complained that her parents are judgmental. Alex asked her if she thinks her parents love her. She said, yes. He asked if what she viewed as judgmental is actually their concern for her. She has mental health issues, and Alex shared that he had struggled in the past with mental health issues.  When he came to Christ, and got off of drugs, his mental health improved dramatically.  Suzy clearly was listening to his testimony. Alex told her she must believe the Bible in faith and walk it out.  Suzy was receptive. She knew that Alex cared about her.

The next day, we witnessed at Dolores Park. Several years ago, after we threatened legal action, the Park Department agreed to give us two permits a year for 2 ½ hours each. This is the busiest park in the city, with up to 10,000 people in the park. Most of these people are in their 20’s and 30’s and many work in the tech industry. Paul and Noreen Coca played music. They would sing two songs and then one of our house members would preach for 5 minutes. We did this the entire afternoon. Thousands of  people heard the gospel and we experienced very little hostility.

On Fri. Aug 13, we witnessed at 24th and 22nd and Mission. While Corey was preaching on 22nd St., Frank got very excited. He got his 3 children out of their van, ages 6 to 9, to receive prayer. Alex anointed them with oil and prayed for his entire family. He invited them to Christ Forgiveness Church and the entire family showed up on Sunday. Frank shared his testimony at church about rededicating his life to Christ and wanting to live wholly for Him.

On 24th St., Tats spoke with Frigel, who was singing about the blood of Jesus while drunk. Tats explained to him why Jesus shed His blood. Frigel said that he watches porn in the dark so God can’t see him. Tats explained that God sees everything, and prayed for him. As they prayed, demons started manifesting and Tats cast them out of him. The man sobered up, and Tats invited him to church.

While Andy was preaching, a woman named Josie approached him and stated that “Adam is responsible for all the sin in the world because he ate from the tree, so God can’t blame people for sinning. It’s Adam’s fault.”  Andy explained that, though Adam brought sin into the world, we are still responsible for the sins we choose to commit. She agreed that she was a sinner, and said she wanted to be forgiven and enter Heaven when she dies. Andy, Mike, and Tats prayed a salvation prayer with her, gave her a Bible and invited her to church.

The next day, we witnessed at Fisherman’s Wharf. Spencer Scheer and John Coons from the band “Factor 11” played music. Corey spoke with Dan, who was in his 30’s. He was a member of the Conservative “Proud Boys” movement. Corey shared the gospel with him and encouraged him to get right with God and invited him to church. He came back later to listen to our preaching.

On Fri. Aug. 27, we witnessed at 16th and Mission. Tats witnessed to Jeremiah, who said he was born again but didn’t believe Jesus is God or that He is returning. He also didn’t believe in Hell and said that he is God and all roads lead to God. Tats told him he had been deceived, and explained the true gospel to him.

The next day, we witnessed at the Wharf. Andy spoke with an older man who was listening to our preaching. He tried to convert Andy to the “Jesus only” doctrine. Andy had just given a sermon the previous week on the Trinity so he was able to defend that doctrine to the man. The man was surprised, and left after realizing he would not gain a convert.

On Sat. Sept. 11, we held our second and final outreach of the year at Dolores Park. Tim Moon played music and several of us preached. Six Christians in their 20’s joined us that afternoon. Andy spoke with Devin, 38, who asked him a lot of sincere questions about God. Afterwards, he asked Devin if he would read a Bible if he gave him one. He said he had one already.

Alex witnessed to Andrew, who asked him some questions about morality and the reality of Hell. Mike explained the gospel to Hubert, who seemed discouraged. He told him that God would give meaning to his life if he turned to Him. Tats spoke with a young Latino homosexual who was mocking his preaching. The man said that homosexuality cannot be overcome. Tats told him that God had set him free, and that Jesus can change our lives if we will submit to Him.

A Final Word

    Thank you again for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. We seem to be getting a lot of rain this winter. With fewer people on the streets because of the pandemic, we often face difficult decisions as to where to witness each day. Please pray that God will give us wisdom.

I hope each of you have a blessed Christmas and New Year. Let this coming year be an opportunity to reach many people for Jesus.

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum





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