Newsletter August 1999

Revival Time

The  San Francisco Examiner rarely prints any articles that  por­

tray Christians in a favorable way. However, their June 15  paper

featured an article written by Lyn Duff of Youth Outlook (YO!), a

newspaper  written  by  San Francisco area  youth.  The  article,

“After Littleton, Students Turn to Christianity,” was about teen­

agers  who  were  saved in the aftermath of  the  Columbine  High

School tragedy.

Irene  was  a  Catholic girl who left the  Columbine  lunch  room

minutes  before the first gunshots. She credits God  with  giving

her a “strong feeling” that she should leave at that moment.  She

noticed  something  different in the way the  Christian  students

faced death on April 20. “The Christian students were afraid, but

at the same time they weren’t. They were holding hands and  pray­

ing,  right  in the middle of all that craziness. It  was  weird.

here  are  all  these people running away  from  the  school  and

they’re  standing in the parking lot praying.” A few days  later,

at  a  memorial  service, Irene responded to an  altar  call  and

publicly  became a Christian. “I never thought I’d ever  do  any­

thing like that. But just at that moment, I knew. I just knew  it

was  all true. And I didn’t want to wait any longer.  I  couldn’t

wait, because you never know when your end is going to come.”

The article continues to tell of hundreds of other youth who have

received Christ in the aftermath of this tragedy. A CNN  reporter

estimated  that 200 teenagers responded to an altar call  at  one

memorial service. Another 75 teenagers responded to an altar call

at Cassie Bernall’s funeral, which included a video in which  she

explained why she became a Christian.

The article also related the testimony of JR. He was a  Methodist

because his parents were. “I didn’t put much thought into God  or

an  afterlife.  I  felt like I’m a good person  and  that’s  good

enough.”  The  night  of the shooting, JR borrowed  a  Bible  and

started to read the New Testament. “I just couldn’t sleep. I  had

this desire to know. As I was reading, it was like I saw my  life

in  a  whole  new way. I saw not just how I’d failed  but  how  I

couldn’t  really do good on my own, how I really needed  to  make

God  the priority in my life.” A week later, JR responded  to  an

altar call at a memorial service.

God is able to bring good even out of an event as horrible as the

Columbine massacre. “And we know that in all things God works for

the good of those who love him, who have been called according to

his purpose” Romans 8:28.

Legal Update

Our hearing on our motion to dismiss the criminal charges against

me  from last August is now over. Closing arguments were made  on

June  17. As I write, I await Judge Mason’s decision in the  mat­

ter.  Unless  she  dismisses the charges, I will have  to  go  to

trial, which could last a month or more.

Meanwhile, I appealed the Police Department decision to limit all

permits  at  Powell and Market to one hour. I think  the  hearing

will  be  held on Wed. August 18 at 5:30 PM (San  Francisco  City

Hall  room 416). The more people we can get to speak on  our  be­

half,  the better our chances of winning. If the hearing is  held

on this date, we can get many people to the hearing, since it is in  the middle of SOS week. Last weekend, I collected 500  signa­

tures on a petition opposing the Police Department regulations at

two San Francisco street fairs. This is in addition to the  1500

signatures we collected last year.

Powell and Market is the best location in the city for  outreach­

es, so we are making every effort to win this appeal. Please call

me if you want to attend this hearing. If the date is changed, we

will need all the help we can get. Most of all, please pray  that

the Board of Appeals will reject the Police Department regulation

limiting permits at Powell and Market to only one hour.

SOS-San Francisco

August 13-21

The Devil does not want the Gospel preached in San Francisco.  He

is  trying to stop us through permit denials,  criminal  prosecu­

tion,  and confiscation of our sound system. Still, God gives  us

grace to continue preaching His Word.

I  believe  that God wants to save many people in  San  Francisco

this  summer.  But  Satan will make every effort  to  keep  God’s

people  from witnessing for Jesus in this city. He will tell  you

that you’re too busy with other things, that you’re not called to

witness, that San Franciscans don’t want to hear the gospel.

For too long, Christianity has been a “spectator sport.” Most  of

us have heard hundreds of sermons and attended dozens of teaching

seminars.  It is time for us to apply what we have  learned.  The

Great Commission is for all of us. We each need to get personally

involved  in bringing God’s Word to a lost world.

The  Columbine  tragedy  reminded people of the  urgency  of  the

gospel.  The  students attending High School did  not  know  they

would  be murdered that day. Just as we urge the unsaved not  to

postpone  their decision to make Jesus their Savior, we must  not

postpone our decision to make Jesus our Lord and preach His Word.

Now  is  the time to preach the gospel. If you need  training  in

evangelism, SOS-San Francisco is an ideal opportunity to  receive

teaching  and on-the-job training in evangelism. We urge  you  to

set aside the week of August 13-21 to attend the SOS outreach and

bring  a friend. If you can’t be here the whole week, come for  a

day, a weekend, or in the evening.

We  have enclosed a registration form with this newsletter.  Free

housing is available at Glad Tidings Church. Bring a sleeping bag

and  foam pad. If you prefer, we can send you hotel  information.

We will be serving breakfast and lunch starting Monday August 16.

If  you  live in the Bay Area and must work, you may join  us  at

night  and on weekends. Please call, write, or e-mail us  if  you

have  any questions. See the bulletin insert enclosed  with  this

newsletter for more outreach details.

Coming Events

Note: All outreaches are subject to change. Call (510) 531-5325  the

day before to confirm outreaches or for more information.

Friday  August  6 7:15 PM. Witnessing in various  S.F.  neighbor­

hoods. (Call us meeting location and directions.)

Sat. August 7 Berkeley Outreach 1:30-5:30 PM Telegraph and  Haste

May 1-October 17 Mario Murillo Ministries San Francisco  Outreach

(925) 820-5470.

August  13-21 SOS-San Francisco. Set aside this week to  join  us for our 20th annual outreach to the people of San Francisco.

Ministry News and Needs

While  we  are busy preparing for the SOS outreach, we  are  also

involved  in a court battle and an appeal involving our  permits.

If  this were not enough, yesterday the main water pipe broke  in

front  of our house. We need to tear up our driveway and  replace

the pipe. This will cost thousands of dollars.

Still,  we  continue to preach the gospel. In June, we  held  two

worship rallies at Powell and Market, two at Union Square and one

in  Berkeley. We also witnessed on Castro Street,  Haight  Street

and  Fisherman’s  Wharf.  We met a Jewish woman  named  Nikki  on

Castro Street. She was very receptive to the gospel and wanted to

contact Jews for Jesus. I sent her some information about the Old

Testament  prophesies that Jesus fulfilled. Please pray also  for

Lorrie,  a woman we met at Union Square. She asked for prayer  to

be set free from prostitution and crack addiction.

We  really appreciate your prayer for us and continued  faithful­

ness in supporting us financially. Please continue to pray for  a

quick and favorable end to our legal struggles. Pray that we will

continue to get permits at Powell and Market for 5 hours and will

be able to minister without fear of arrest. Pray that we will get

the  permits  we need for SOS-San Francisco, and  God  will  send

forth many laborers to help us bring in a great harvest of souls.

Our  Tape  of the Month is Mobilizing Youth for Outreach  by  Mel

Rolls. Mel was formerly a youth pastor in Florida and now directs

a street ministry named Rescue Atlanta.

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum