Newsletter February 2001

Moved with Compassion

“But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then said he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” Matt. 9:36‑38.

It is interesting to study the word compassion as it appears in the Bible. In this passage, Jesus’ compassion for the multitudes leads him to instruct his disciples to pray for more laborers. In Luke 10:33, the good Samaritan had compassion on the man who had been robbed, and helped him. In Luke 15:20, the father had compassion on the prodigal son. Often, it was said that a healing or miracle was motivated by Jesus’ compassion for someone.

In Matthew 24, Jesus said, speaking of the last days, “Because iniquity shall abound, the (agape) love (of Christians) shall wax cold.” Faced with so much wickedness around us, we Christians can easily harden our hearts to those around us. I sometimes get tired of people asking me for spare change, knowing most will use it to buy drugs and alcohol. I don’t want to support these habits, but I do want to have compassion for these people and seek to meet their legitimate needs. When I preach, I often speak of God’s holiness and judgment, but I must always preach with a heart broken by God’s love. As hard as people’s hearts may be, I must remember that God is not willing that any should perish, but wants everyone to come to repentance. God is able to, and often does, save the hardest sinner.

In 1 Corin. 13, Paul says we can even have the faith to move mountains and give all our goods to feed the poor, yet without charity we are nothing. Jesus gave us two commandments. The first is to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. The second is like unto it, to love our neighbor as ourself.  Who is my neighbor? Every one around me. If I truly love the unsaved people around me, I will do everything possible to tell them about Jesus and prevent them from suffering eternal torment in Hell.

“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Are you following in the footsteps of our Lord? Is your purpose in life to seek and to save those who are lost? God, deliver us from Pharisaical religion! Give us compassion for those around us who are headed for eternal Hell without Christ!

SOS-San Francisco

June 22-30, 2001

We have set the dates for next summer’s SOS-San Francisco outreach. We also have been blessed with an excellent meeting location – Temple Baptist Church, 19th Ave. and Ocean (at Stonestown Shopping Center), San Francisco. We are hoping to bring together several ministries for this outreach. Please pray that God will guide us in planning this major outreach, so that many people will hear the Gospel and be saved.

Through our SOS web site (, we are able to tell Christians all over the world about the outreach. Last week, we received an email from a woman in Pakistan  who wants to participate in SOS-San Francisco.


For the past six months, we have attempted to deal with four-year-old “disturbing the peace” charges against Eric Livingston. The city of San Francisco continues to insist that all our Christian evangelism is illegal whenever a single person complains about it. The judge assured us repeatedly that he intended to dismiss the charges as soon as we could get a transcript of my 1998 case, in which another judge dismissed the charges based on discriminatory application of the law. After much time, effort and expense ($680 for the transcript—paid by a ministry friend), we obtained the transcripts and filed our motion to dismiss the charges. However, on December 20, the judge changed his mind and refused to dismiss the case.

Fortunately, before the hearing, our attorney had obtained an agreement from the District Attorney that he would dismiss the charges against Eric in one year if he doesn’t get arrested again during that time. This may turn out to be better than having the judge dismiss the case, since it won’t be appealed. However, any police officer could decide to arrest Eric at any of our outreaches.  Please pray that the police will stop arresting us and that this persecution will end.


On the streets, we find ourselves sowing a lot of gospel seeds, but we have few opportunities to reap the harvest. We are blessed whenever we receive letters from those who have been saved, in part, from our labors. We received two such letters this past month:

From Danielle (San Jose): From the time I’ve got the pamphlet that was placed on cars in Oakland, CA, I’ve read the sinner’s prayer that was over the address. About one year ago I started going to church and have been born again to my Lord Jesus Christ. I am an overcomer of drugs and alcohol and have been for 13 months now. I’m truly amazed at the work He’s doing in my life. I’m writing to let you know that placing pamphlets [on cars] is a good idea. It’s not a waste of time. Lives are being saved — people like myself who have eyes to see.

From Bernadette (Kampala, Uganda): I am a daughter to Mrs. Ndatabigwe. She wrote to you sometime back, and you replied. Thank you for helping my mother, but sorry she passed away August 17 this year. We as a family liked the way mom was before she died. She had grown as a good Christian thanks to you. She has five sons and one daughter, that’s me. On her behalf, I would not mind staying your good friend. I have prayed and made Jesus my personal savior. I need encouragement especially from friends like you.

Coming Events

Note: All outreaches are subject to change. Call (510) 531‑5325 or (510) 616-0712 (my new pager number) to confirm outreaches or for more information. We witness in the rain, but our outreach location may change..

Friday February 2, 9, 16 7:30-10 PM  Witnessing in various S.F. neighborhoods. (Call for meeting location.)

Sat. February 3 12-5 PM San Francisco “Church on the Street” worship rally. 1-5 PM. Washington Square (Columbus and Union St.)

Sat. February 10 Berkeley Outreach. 12:30‑4:30 PM. (note new time) Telegraph and Haste St.

Sat. February 17 San Francisco “Church on the Street” worship rally. 12-5 PM. United Nations Plaza (7th St. and Market).

Ministry Needs

Thank you again for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. We have ordered another 100,000 gospel tracts at a cost of $1300. Pray that they will be printed quickly, as we are running out of tracts.

Union Square will be closed throughout this next year for renovation, so we will be holding our Saturday outreaches at Washington Square and United Nations Plaza. After the renovation, an association of businesses may take over the permit process at Union Square. Please pray that we will continue to get permits there after this change.

Over the past two years, I have suffered from back pain that makes it difficult for me to stand for more than an hour during our outreaches. Please pray that God will heal my back. Please pray also  for those we have witnessed to and who have written us in response to tracts this past month, including Shannon (Redwood City), Mike (Union City), and Gwendolyn (SF). I have ministered to Shannon for 20 years. I first met him on Polk Street when he was prostituting himself at the age of 12. He now has AIDS, but is trying to follow Jesus.

Our Tape of the Month is  Solomon’s Porch: Taking the Church to the Street by Richard Paradise. I am convinced that bringing the Church to the Street is one of the most effective kinds of outreach‑‑if the church will come. When we get families with children, older people, teenagers, and people of different races and ethnic backgrounds to join us at a worship rally, we see a much greater response to the gospel. Many of us attend worship services where we sense the presence of God and our hearts are melted by His love. We would like to see unbelievers come to church so they could sense God’s presence and be drawn by His Spirit. Most unsaved people, however, will never come to our churches. So we must take the church to them. I hope many of you will join us in bringing the Church to the Street this next month.

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum