Newsletter July 1993

ISEMA Newsletters

More News around the World

by Sondra Berry Young

(Ed. Note: One of the main purposes of this letter is to give you reports on what is happening in evangelism ministries around the world. Last month, Sondra Berry Young called over 20 ministries to obtain these brief reports of what they have been doing. Following is the second part of her report.)

SOLDIERS FOR JESUS MOVES TO NORWAY. Ken and Solveig Henderson just finished traveling through the USA doing outreaches and speaking at different places. They have a 10 month old baby boy David Levi. They are now based in Norway and are traveling and ministering in Europe. Soldiers for Jesus, Tide Manns, GT2B 0266, Oslo, Norway.

MEXICO BULL RING OUTREACH! Bill Henderson from Vista, CA reports he and his son Billy have been preaching at outreaches coast to coast. He recently preached with Tim Storey in a Bull Ring Coliseum in Monterey, Mexico. A third of the crowd reportedly answered the call for salvation! Bill will be speaking at the National Street Ministries Conference in Dallas in September. Contact Bill at Honeywood Church, Vista, CA, (619) 599-0503.

IRVINE, CA. James Holt from the Eagle’s Nest Evangelical Eaglets reports that they are regularly taking a street team to the UC Irvine campus and going witnessing at the piers on the beach. Every Saturday they go door to door in Irvine and in the afternoons go to Santa Ana to minister to the gangs and people in barrios. If you live in that area and wish to join them, contact James at 18842 Teller Ave, Irvine, CA 92715, (714) 539-0150.

  1. Benji and Gena Garcia from World in Need Outreach are actively training people in street drama and street ministry in Orlando, Miami, and Daytona. They also feed the poor, evangelize in low income projects and strip areas, do street dances, rap, drama, puppets, door to door, and Bible studies in high schools twice weekly. They have a center in their city called Answer to Life Center where they have a radical youth connection program. Contact them at Box 525, Winter Park, FL 32790.

COFFEE HOUSE. Debra and Jeff Thatcher report starting a coffee house ministry in their town. They have been having singers and ministers come to preach, teach, and stir up people for Jesus. Every Friday night they go out street witnessing. For more information, contact The Lighthouse, 1405 W. St. George Ave., Ridge crest, CA 93555, (619) 375-8904.

STREET DRAMA. Isaac Ministry out of Jesus is Lord Church in Monrovia, CA reported doing street drama in a mall parking lot recently. They distributed over 500 pieces of custom designed material for their play containing the gospel message. Churches participating in the outreach include Monrovia First Presbyterian and First Church of Monrovia.

HOPE IN ACTION. Barry Felis from Hope Chapel, Hermosa Beach, CA reports they have successfully passed out over 300,000 tracts in 1992. Summer is coming and they will be going out weekends and some weekdays to preach and witness on the beach. They also do easel board ministry and sand painting. Hope in Action provides food to the hungry and homeless at the parks, and they also go to an AIDS hospice to pray for and minister to hurting people. They are active in anti-abortion rallies. One of their team got shot in the ear recently. They will be joining the March for Jesus on June 12. Call Hope in Action at (310) 374-4673.

Planting Seeds

by Ray Remo, Search and Rescue Street Ministry, 4569 S 1675 W, Roy, UT 84067, (801) 731-7055.

I ordered 100 copies of “The Thief” from Chick Publications and so far I’ve passed out about 40. Almost every person that I have approached has accepted a booklet. Near the end of a night of street witnessing, however, I walked up to two girls and offered them a booklet. They both refused. One girl explained that she was Catholic and that was her reason for not taking the booklet.

I shared with her that I was raised a Catholic and attended 12 years of Catholic school and was once an altar boy. I told her it’s not my particular church that I was trying to get her to join, but simply that Jesus died for her sins because He loved her, and wants to live in her heart. At this her defenses seemed to drop and she asked for a booklet. I was thrilled. The other girl said she was Mormon. I don’t know why but I said to her “Mormons are my favorite people!” (I didn’t say this because I agree with the Mormon church. I don’t.) She also asked for a booklet. At this I said good night and went home. I wish I could report that these girls got saved then and there, but at least by reading those booklets, seeds were planted. Hopefully some time in the future both will come to know the Lord.

My point is that we need to get out of our comfort zones and go to where sinners are. It’s a mistake to wait for them to come to church. Most will not. If we can’t win them on the spot, at least we are planting seeds. Seeds the Holy Spirit can use to bring them to Jesus in the future.

Report from Ray Comfort

(from the Living Waters Newsletter, Box 1172, Bellflower, CA 90706)

Our new book, The Ten Commandments, has just come off the press and we are very happy with it ($5). The Mantle of the Harlot has been re-written, edited and stream-lined. It is the most important book I have ever written. David Wilkerson is at present reading the manuscript in view of giving me a foreword. Please pray that comes to pass. Also, please pray for me on April 30. I have been invited to speak at Yale. I will do a mock funeral in the afternoon, before the official talk in the evening. On Saturday May 1, I will be doing an evangelistic seminar at Times Square Church in New York.

I ministered at Last Days Ministries in Texas and spent some time with Melody Green and her new husband. They recorded the “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” on video. So we now have an 80 minute video – two cameras – $15. In the past, we have had hundreds of thousands of comic tracts printed. We sold out and didn’t have the finances to reprint all the titles. It costs about $20,000 to print a quantity that will bring the unit price right down. However, we are at present having a printing of Hijacked, our most popular title (25 cents each)….It has a full color cover and is 40 pages of quality graphics that will keep the unsaved riveted, as it brings them under the sound of the message of the gospel. If you don’t think a comic is a way to reach people, check out the pages of comics in your local paper, or the political comics in Time or Newsweek magazines….It’s been so rightly said, “If you want to reach an intellectual, give him a comic.”

Coming Events

July 8-10, 15-17, 22-24 Twin Cities for Jesus, Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN. Contact Forerunner Ministries, Box 6084, Minneapolis, MN 55406, (612) 722-0751.

July 9-17 14th Annual SOS-San Francisco Outreach. Chuck Girard, Ray Comfort, Jerry Brandt. Contact SOS Ministries Box 27358, Oakland, CA 94602, (510) 531-5325.

July 25-31 Jesus Loves You – New York. Contact Abounding Grace Ministries, 740 E 6th St., New York, NY 10009, (212) 614-0370.

August 7-21 Russia and Kazakhstan Outreach. Contact No Greater Love, Box 263, DuQuoin, IL 62832, (618) 542-4503.

September 3-5 Chicago Jazz Festival Outreach. Contact No Greater Love (address above).

September 23-25 National Street Ministries Conference, Dallas, TX. Tommy Barnett, Rich Wilkerson, Winkie Pratney, John Dawson. Contact NSMC, P O Box 380306, Duncanville, TX 75138, (214) 283- 3900.

The Pope is coming to Denver in August. Want to witness to the crowd that will gather? Contact Gilbert & Lynn Zertuche, Fishers of Men, 2308 W 34th Ave., Denver, CA 80211.

Forward Edge is sending outreach teams to Guatemala, Nicaragua, the Crow Indian Reservation, Romania, Kazakhstan, and China this next year. Most outreaches are about two weeks long. For more information write or call them at 15121-A NE 72nd Ave., Vancouver WA 98686, (206) 574-EDGE.

A Final Word

Once again, I want to thank Sondra Berry Young for spending many hours calling street ministries and typing up these reports. If we didn’t get a report from your ministry, please send us one so we can include it in this newsletter.  Write a brief report — 2 or 3 sentences — and mail it to us. Also, don’t forget to order the 1993 International Street & Evangelism Ministry Directory. This contains a listing of over 500 ministries–name, address, phone number and a brief description of the ministry. It will help you become familiar with other ministries in your area and around the world.

Summer is the most popular time for outreaches. We encourage you to plan to attend at least one outreach this summer. Then send us a report on what happened so others can be encouraged. Our Tape of the Month is The First Amendment and the Gospel by Jay Sekulow. Jay is chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice. He has successfully defended the rights of Christians in several important cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum