Newsletter November 1998

Salt of the Earth

Dear Christian friends,

Often, Christians ask me why we are still preaching the gospel in San Francisco. In their minds, San Francisco is hopelessly corrupt and headed for certain destruction. My answer to these people is first, that God has called me here and has not changed His instructions. Second, there are many people here who need to hear the gospel. Even if every adult resident of this city had heard and rejected the gospel (which hasn’t yet happened), there are thousands of children born here every year, thousands more immigrants and foreign students, and millions of tourists who come here every year. These people have not all heard and rejected the gospel.

Finally, San Francisco is one of the most influential cities in the world. Over the past 30 years, our society has gone through tremendous changes–away from God and Christian morality. To a large extent, these changes originated in San Francisco. San Francisco was a leader in the drug movement, introduction of Eastern religions, gurus and cults, new age thinking, occultism and satanism, radical left-wing political movements, sexual immorality and homosexuality, etc. It was the first U.S. city to allow “topless” bars and have a “Church of Satan.” It was the first U.S. city to officially endorse homosexual relationships.

These changes did not remain confined to San Francisco and a few other cities. They have influenced every city and town in the United States, and almost the entire world as well. In the Bible, leaven (yeast) represents sin. “Don’t you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough” 1 Cor. 5:6. Sin does not remain confined in one location. It spreads everywhere. In 1965, illegal drugs were available only in large cities. Today, they are sold in every town in the U.S. A recent survey found that marijuana use among 8th graders has doubled in the past three years.

The United States is by far the most influential nation on earth. Almost every nation, even Communist China, is now seeking to adopt American-style capitalism. American movies and television shows are seen by billions of people in almost every nation. They show an extravagant standard of living and glorify our corrupt morals and hostility to Christianity. The moral decay of cities like San Francisco and Hollywood is spreading around the world–rapidly.

Just as the spread of an infection is stopped by antibiotics, the spread of sin can only be stopped by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By mobilizing Christians to pray for San Francisco and proclaim the Gospel to the people of this city, we are helping slow the moral decay in this city–and its spread throughout the world. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth” (Matt. 5:13). The Wycliffe Bible Commentary writes: “Salt. A common food preservative, often used symbolically. Believers are a restraint upon the world’s corruption. Unbelievers are often kept from evil deeds because of a moral consciousness traceable to Christian influence.”

Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day. The night is coming, when no man can work” (John 9:4). We too must seek to be a strong witness for our Lord Jesus Christ while we can. The day may soon be coming when we will no longer be able to witness openly for Jesus Christ in our nation. Please pray for us and help us be light and salt to a dark and decaying world.

Ministry News

Last month, I told you that the San Francisco Police had confiscated our sound system after our outreach on August 6. Several Christians have asked me how this could happen. In the U.S. we are supposed to have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. But our laws are filled with loopholes that allow such things to happen. One important motion of ours was denied because a metal clip was put in the wrong place! It is amazing that a judge can be more concerned about a metal clip than the First Amendment! “Woe unto you, lawyers….who strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.”

I thank God for righteous judges. On September 9, Eric Livingston again appeared before Judge Burleigh. He heard Eric’s motion to dismiss criminal charges from February, 1997 (that had been reversed on a technicality). Judge Burleigh again dismissed the charges. He rebuked the District Attorney strongly, urging her to talk to whoever is behind this prosecution and tell them to leave us alone. We won’t be surprised if the matter is appealed again. Unfortunately, Judge Burleigh is only a visiting judge.

The next day, the District Attorney decided to prosecute me for a noise violation and “disturbing the peace” in connection with our August 6 outreach. They are holding our sound system as “evidence” (although it only proves that we used an amplifier for which we had a permit). We have filed a motion to obtain additional evidence from the city. After this we intend to file a motion to dismiss. All this takes incredible amounts of time and effort.

Our latest motion consists of 80 pages and four videotapes. I had to make four copies of everything. Everything in it must be perfect. And this is only one of many legal motions we have filed, and will be filing. A criminal trial could last two weeks, involving over a dozen witnesses and many hours of videotape evidence. And any time we hold an outreach, we could get cited and end up going through the whole process again!

One thing that I know will help is much prayer. Please pray fervently about this matter. Please continue to pray for our attorney Russell Davis and for me as we prepare our case. Please pray that God will give us wisdom to know how to proceed. Please pray that the judge will dismiss the case, and that it will happen quickly. Please pray that this persecution will end, so that we can dedicate ourselves to preaching the gospel without this distraction.

Meanwhile, we continue to reach out to those who desperately need to know Jesus. On August 22 and September 12, we held worship rallies at Powell and Market. The police did not give us any problems, except they ordered us to take down our Christian banners. Still, we ministered to thousands of people each day. On September 26, we witnessed in Berkeley. “The Father’s House” Church from Vacaville ministered with worship music and gave out food to the homeless.

Coming Events

EVERY FRIDAY 7:15 PM. Witnessing in various S.F. neighborhoods. Meet at Vineyard, 7th St. and Harrison, San Francisco. Call (510) 531-5325 for more information.

Sat. November 14 and 28 San Francisco Outreach. 12-5PM. Call (510) 531-5325 to confirm or for more information.

Sat. November 21 Berkeley Outreach. 12-5:30 PM. Call (510) 531- 5325 for more information.

Ministry Needs

We are happy to have Michael and Janet Long back with us. They lived in our ministry house in San Francisco for several years in the 1980’s, got married, and have been living in Oregon. They have served as team leaders at SOS almost every year since then. We don’t know how long they will stay in our house, but are happy they are living in this area again and ministering with us on the streets.

Again, I want to thank you for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. Two months ago, I told you about our desire to provide some financial support for Eric Livingston, who is an indispensable help to me and the ministry. We are hoping to raise $400 in monthly support to help him and his family. Many of you responded with one-time gifts. We hope some of you can send regular monthly support for Eric in addition to any amount you are giving to SOS Ministries. You can write “Eric” in the memo column of your check or on the response card to indicate gifts for him. If you don’t need a tax receipt, you can make the check out to him.

We need an artist to help us print new signs. Our present signs are several years old and in bad condition. Above all, we need workers to help us on Friday nights and Saturday afternoons. I hope each of you who lives in this area can join us for an out reach this next month. I realize some Christians are scared away when they hear about persecution. That is the Devil’s purpose. We must not allow ourselves to be ruled by fear. When the early Christians were persecuted, they prayed for boldness and then continued to preach the gospel openly.

Please pray for those who have written us recently in response to tracts, including David, Tina and Roberto (SF) and Iuliya (Moraga). Please pray for Rich in San Quentin prison; for Dexter, who prayed with us on September 12 at Powell and Market; and for Sarah, who prayed with us on September 26 in Berkeley.

Our Tape of the Month is Organizing a City-Wide Outreach. This is a teaching I did several years ago at an evangelism conference in Florida. Every city should have at least one outreach each year in which Christians can join together to reach the lost in their community. Perhaps God wants you to help organize an outreach in your city.

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum