Street Evangelism in the 90’s

By Stuart Geller

Until the 20th century people lived their lives mostly on the streets. People gathered in the markets, squares, cafes, bars, public meeting places, and social halls. This was true in the United States as well as in other nations. After World War I, people became more isolated and individualistic, living for themselves and their families and friends. Life on the streets was replaced by life in private dwellings and private clubs. Today our cities are full of people who live in physical closeness yet don’t know each other. One sociologist called it the “lonely crowd.” Many live in fear, locked in their dwellings with high tech security systems. Their contact with the outside world comes mainly from television. They live in sterile environments free from the outside world’s effect upon their lives.

Most life in major cities across the world still takes place on the streets. People still gather in the town square to talk. Since 1960, the United States has seen a greater return of people to the streets than ever before in the history of this country. Also, the spiritual need of the man on the street has not decreased because he has become more sophisticated. Instead, man has become more evil, unruly, hateful and arrogant. He has also taken desperate measures to fulfill his individual satisfaction at any cost. The sanctity of personal happiness has replaced the sanctity of community.

There are about 3.5 million homeless people in the United States and the numbers are increasing steadily by about 20% annually in cities. There are millions more lost in drugs, alcohol, gangs, suicides, homicides, sexual perversions, and extreme poverty. Millions of teenage girls are getting pregnant and having their children aborted. Worldwide unemployment is at an all time high. Millions of people are looking for god in themselves through “a new world order and age” while others are lost in false religions and cults. The world monetary systems are setting up for a one world economic system and what follows is clear in the Bible: the coming of the anti-Christ and the return of our Lord.

If the Lord tarries, by the year 2000 it is said that 70% of all people will live in the cities. He who wins the cities will win the world. We must unite the Word with our deed, meeting people’s physical needs as we minister to them spiritually. We need to go to where the people are and accept them where they are at, drawing them into the Kingdom with our love. Nehemiah went into the ruins of the city Jerusalem and rebuilt the crumbling walls and houses. He realized that a strong spiritual foundation was essential to his task. God’s Word had to be understood, known and obeyed. So Ezra took the Book of the Law to the square of the City and read it publicly. Jesus not only went to the Temple and synagogues but spent most of his ministry in street evangelism.

Our streets are filled with broken people who are ripe for harvest. In these past two months I have spoken with many pastors and church leaders who see a vision for revival coming to this country and the world. I believe God has shown me that the coming revival will take place first on the streets. Multitudes will be saved on the streets. But most of the church will not know what to do because it has scorned the ministry of street evangelism. In the Bay Area I believe we are getting ready for another Jesus Movement like the 60’s and 70’s only five times more powerful. The ingathering of the end times harvest will begin in our local area and spread across the United States. Already there is a great harvest in many countries of the world, particularly in the Third World where faith is very strong and God is moving powerfully in signs and wonders. Many of those leaders I have talked with share this vision for revival. So street evangelists get ready! We need repentance and prayer. We need to humble ourselves before an Almighty God and ask for His help in learning how to bring in the harvest we will be called to gather. Don’t miss out on what God is doing. God wants to use you as a laborer in this great end-times harvest! “I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send and who shall go for us? Then said I, Here I am. Send me.” (Isa. 6:8)