The “Gay” Church

By Larry Rosenbaum

Over the past 40 years we have seen a dramatic change in our society’s attitude towards homosexuality. In the 1950’s, homosexuality was rarely spoken of, but was viewed almost universally with disgust. Homosexuals tried to keep their behavior secret, fearing job loss, physical attacks, and prison. Homosexuals in the church made great efforts to keep their behavior secret, and the subject almost never was discussed in the church.

Today, homosexuality is very much in the open, both in our society and in the church. Many Americans today believe that homosexuality is simply a sexual preference and not immoral. Hawaii could soon be the first place in the world to recognize homosexual marriages. Many churches today believe that homosexual behavior is not sinful, including some “evangelical” churches.

“Gay theology” originated largely with a former Pentecostal named Troy Perry. He started the Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), an international denomination of “churches” that believe that homosexuality is not sinful. He argued that the Bible passages that seem to speak against homosexual behavior have been misinterpreted. The real sin of Sodom was inhospitality and possibly rape. The passage in Romans 1 refers to heterosexuals unnaturally engaging in homosexuality. 1 Corin. 6 and 1 Tim. 1:10 refer only to homosexual prostitution. This is the false “gospel” of the “gay church.”

Perry’s arguments were incredibly weak, but they met a need in those who wanted to continue their homosexual behavior and still consider themselves Christian. Today, thousands of people attend MCC churches, and hundreds of other churches have adopted their theology.

The argument against homosexual behavior begins in Genesis 2. Here, God created Eve for Adam–“therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife.” God created sex, and intended it for a lifelong relationship between a man and a woman. All other sexual behavior is consistently condemned throughout the Bible.

In Genesis 3, sin entered the world, taking a variety of forms. Homosexuality is mentioned several times in scripture, always in the most negative terms possible. There is not a single scripture that suggests that God approves of homo-sexuality. So any argument for it is an argument from silence.

For example, in Romans 1 where it says men left the natural use of the woman and burned in their lust one for another, the “gay church” argues that this is only talking about those who are “born hetero-sexual” engaging in homosexuality. According to them, there are two classes of people–those born heterosexual and those born homosexual. According to this argument, it is a sin for those born heterosexual to engage in homosexuality and for those born homosexual to engage in heterosexuality. If they really believed this, MCC pastors should be warning the heterosexuals in their congregation not to engage in homosexual behavior and warning the homosexuals not to engage in heterosexual behavior. Also, many people consider themselves bisexual. How do they fit into this scheme?

This kind of argument could be used to justify any sin. If one wanted to justify stealing, he could say there are two classes of people, kleptomaniacs and non-kleptomaniacs. When God said, “you shall not steal,” he was referring to the non-kleptomaniacs. But it would be a sin for kleptomaniacs to refrain from stealing, since they are acting contrary to their nature.

According to the Bible, we are all born with a sin nature. When we act according to this nature, we will sin. God calls His servants to resist temptations to sin, and He promises to give us the strength to resist. Most Christians are tempted to engage in heterosexual fornication or adultery. They believe that the Bible forbids such behavior and those who engage in these practices will not enter Heaven. Therefore they resist these temptations with God’s help. Most Christians struggle with sexual temptation much or all of their lives. Some fall into sin and continue in it. Others fall into sin and repent. Many never engage in fornication.

Resisting temptation is an essential element of the Christian life. Christians tempted to engage in homosexual activity are called to resist it, and God will give them grace. Our biggest problem is listening to Satan’s lies. In the garden, the serpent said “hath God said?” Eve believed that God did not mean what He said and she sinned. Today, the “gay church” and the secular media are saying that homo-sexual behavior is not a sin. I am no Greek scholar, but the meaning of “arsenokoites” in 1 Corin. 6 and 1 Tim. 1:10 is clear. “Arsen” is the Greek word for male, used this way 4 times in the New Testament. “Koite” is the word for bed, “a place for lying down….in Rom. 13:13, it is used of sexual intercourse” and in Romans 9:10 of conception. (Vine’s)

The New Testament teaching is clear, that those who continue to practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. “There are certain men crept in unawares, who were before ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God” Jude 4. The “gay theology” is a false teaching which has taken hold in many churches today, deceiving many people into thinking they are saved when in fact they are headed for Hell.

When a homosexual is considering becoming a Christian, he or she will often try to find a loophole in the Bible, a way to continue their homosexual behavior and still be a Christian. We should help them to see the two are mutually exclusive. “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness” (Gal. 6:1). We need to offer help and encouragement to those who desire to be free from homo- sexuality. There are ministries around the country which provide counseling and literature for those desiring change. For information about a ministry in your area, contact Exodus International, Box 77652, Seattle, WA 98177, (206) 784-7799.