The Greatest Need

By Larry Rosenbaum

(January 1999)

This  past  month, it seems, the news has been  particularly  de­

pressing.  First, the flood of hundreds of thousands of  refugees

from  Kosovo.  Then, the horrible killings in a  high  school  in

Colorado by two boys influenced by satanic music. Most  recently,

the  tornadoes that destroyed thousands of homes and killed  many

Yet  each tragedy provides an opportunity to do good. I think  of

the  aid workers helping refugees in Kosovo and displaced  people

in  Oklahoma, as well as the counselors ministering to the  fami­

lies and students in Littleton, Colorado.

The  needs  of these people are obvious. A  refugee  needs  food,

shelter, clothing and medical care or he will die. But there is a

greater need that we often overlook. A wealthy businessman  seems

to  have no needs. But that businessman, like the  refugee,  will

die  and  stand before God. Every person will spend  eternity  in

Heaven or Hell.

The  greatest need for every person on this earth is  to  receive

salvation from Jesus Christ. The greatest thing any one of us can

do  is  to present the gospel to someone and give him  or  her  a

chance to be saved.

Almost every day, we have opportunities to witness to people.  We

encounter  people at work, at school, on the bus or airplane,  on

the  street, at the grocery store, in our neighborhood,  etc.  We

all  need to take better advantage of these opportunities and  be

bolder in our Christian witness.

However,  there  are many people who do not  have  any  Christian

friends  or  co-workers  to witness to them.  They  will  not  be

reached for Jesus unless someone makes a special effort to  reach

them. This is why we need special evangelistic outreaches.

One  of the main reasons we do not witness in our everyday  lives

is  that our minds are focused on other things. During a  special

outreach   like   SOS-San  Francisco,  we  can   focus   on   one

thing–reaching people with the gospel.

Another reason we do not witness is because we fear rejection  by

friends or co-workers. SOS-San Francisco provides an  opportunity

to  overcome fear and witness boldly for Jesus, with the  encour­

agement of other Christians.

A  third reason we don’t witness is that we don’t know how.  SOS-

San  Francisco provides an opportunity to get practical  training

and experience in personal witnessing.

An “SOS” is an urgent call for help. The people of San  Francisco

are in great spiritual need. They may not be starving  physically

like the refugees from Kosovo. But they are starving  spiritually

and headed for eternal torment if they do not trust in Jesus.  We

have the spiritual food, the Word of God, that can save them from

a  fate  worse than death. How can we withhold  God’s  Word  from

those who desperately need it?

Many  Christians at one time had a zeal for God and a burden  for

souls.  But  today they are caught up in worldly  activities  and

have  lost that zeal. I believe that God wants to use  this  sum­

mer’s SOS outreach to restore this fervor in many of His  people.

Jesus is coming soon! Let’s get our hearts right with God and get

busy  doing  the work He has commanded us to  do:  investing

our lives winning souls for His Kingdom.