When Necessary Use Words

By Larry Rosenbaum

Beware of Famous Quotes

I read an interesting teaching on the Internet yesterday called “Beware of Famous Quotes.” It came from the International House of Prayer (Kansas City) website (www.ihop.org) and was written by Hal Linhardt. The quote he was referring to was one commonly attributed to Francis of Assisi: “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if you must – use words.” While this quote will not be found in his writings, Francis did tell his friars not to preach unless they had received permission to do so and he added “Let all the brothers, however, preach by their deeds.” Linhardt has substituted his own saying, which is indeed Biblical: “Preach the Gospel at all times and – you must use words.”

Certainly, it is important that Christians practice what they preach. However, as Linhardt notes, “For centuries [Francis’] words have provided an ‘escape route from obedience’ to millions of Christians. Many in the church have seized upon his words to mean, ‘I witness with my life. Therefore I do not feel the need to speak about Jesus Christ.’ And with one broad brush, the fearful, the lazy and the carnal sweep away the testimony of the entire Bible...i.e. the use of words to tell about God.”

“Our human nature always wants the easy route. It is no exception in evangelism. We want to do evangelism because it is commanded by our Lord, but we do not want to speak directly to unbelievers about Jesus because we fear man more than God, love comfort more than obedience and are distracted by the world rather than fixing our gaze on Jesus and His word. Furthermore, our fallen nature and the devil team up to persuade us that simple words of truth spoken in love come across as ‘crass, religious, traditional and ineffective.’ To assuage any lingering conviction, we produce ‘evangelistic strategies’ that leave us in our comfort zone and the unsaved person in his darkness. (Let the reader understand.) Such self-deception dishonors God and helps no one….

“Wrong trends left unchallenged become the accepted and even venerated church standards until God rescues us from the error of our ways….This ‘silence trend’ in evangelism has been unchallenged so long I fear it has ensconced itself in our thinking as if it were a legitimate Bible teaching. It is time for a reformation of common sense based upon Biblical example regarding how we reach the lost. It is time to speak up for Jesus Christ….

“There must be words about Jesus Christ for evangelism to take place. Words about Jesus may come in many forms such as the printed page, one on one conversations, film, video, DVD, web pages, TV,  radio, etc. But irregardless: NO words….NO evangelism.”

“The angel said to Cornelius,Call for Peter for he will speak words to you by which you will be saved, you and your household.’” Acts 11 “We had boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much tribulation….For just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who examines our hearts…speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved.” 1 Thes. 2: 2-16. Linhardt attached a page with 22 scriptures that confirm his point that the use of words is essential in evangelism. Those who take the Bible as their authority for faith and practice will certainly agree with him.